How One Firm Enjoyed a Year of Growth in 2020, published in ALA’s Legal Management Magazine

In an article published on January 8, 2021, Jim Prichard, Ball Janik LLP’s Managing Partner, discusses growth strategies in 2020 and beyond. Additionally, he talks about how the firm relied on the many resources offered by ALA, including Legal Management, virtual events and other educational platforms. “We also partnered with several ALA members to brainstorm in a safe space on how to best address the many changes we are all facing,” wrote Prichard. “These innovative initiatives, coupled with a culture that embraces efficiency mining, allowed our bicoastal firm to thrive during 2020. Today, we continue to adapt and improve our use of technology thanks to internal focus groups that share lessons learned about what works well and what needs to be improved.”


Prichard also credits much of the firm’s success to all the employees. “During this time of change, we remain close by, communicating often and staying involved in one another’s lives,” says Prichard. “We also placed a greater emphasis on mental health and well-being by offering expanded mental health services through our provider. Additionally, we have a robust Women’s Leadership Initiative that meets regularly and helps our female employees to support one another.”


To read the article in full, click here.
